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6月11日讲座——中山大学朱彬副教授:Advances in Rational Spectrum Estimation of Stationary Random Fields with Application in Identification

作者:ykyb  编辑:院科研办   发布日期: 2024-06-08   来源:院科研办  

讲座题目:Advances in Rational Spectrum Estimation of Stationary Random Fields with Application in Identification

主讲人:朱彬 副教授(中山大学)

讲座时间:2024611日(周二)14:30 - 15:30






In this talk we consider the problem of estimating the multidimensional power spectral density of a second-order stationary random field from a finite number of samples. More specifically, we address the case where the dimension of the random field is greater than two for which a satisfying theory was missing. We propose a constrained maximum entropy problem which takes into account the usual covariances and a generalized definition of the cepstral moments, together with a consistent definition of the entropy. The optimization problem is solved via standard Lagrange dual analysis and a suitable design of regularization. We show that our theory allows to construct a well-posed spectral estimator for any finite dimension. In addition, the issue of statistical consistency of our estimator is also addressed, and application to system identification is discussed.



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